Youth Department

The Youth Department is within the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS.)

It is directed to “Foster the spiritual, mental, physical and cultural development of youth of Tuvalu to enable them to be positive contributors to the national development of Tuvalu” (National Youth Policy 2015-2019.)

Vision, Mission and Purpose:

  • Commit to the ongoing engagement with young people in Tuvalu
  • Ensure that the voices and perspectives of young people are reflected in government policies
  • Promote youth engagement in policies, national and international development partnership projects
  • Facilitate financial, technical and in-kind support to priority areas of need and as aligned in the TNYP (Tuvalu National Youth Policy)
  • MEYS reserves the right to approve or decline in full or in part requests for financial assistance where objectives are not aligned, requests exceed the available amount, or other obligations have not been met.

Staff Members


Sagaga Simon

Youth Manager


Taotao Lagafaoa

Youth Officer (Ag.)